Award Winners:

Stars of the Week

Weekly awards for pupils for excellent effort and / or progress

Name Year Group Special Deed
Sorayah Year 1 Great effort in all lessons.
Zofia Year 1 Always implementing her feedback into her work.
Imogen Year 2 Always trying her best.
Ollie Year 2 Working hard in writing lessons.
Mateusz Year 3 Super effort and achievement in PE.
Abraham Year 3 Great work on times tables.
Filip Year 4 Developing a really positive attitude towards his work.
Sahara Year 4 A beautiful written prayer at home - very sincere.
Teddy Year 5 Beautiful confidence when reading.
Alfie Year 5 Amazing improvement when working on times tables.
Oliwia Year 6 A fantastic improvement in her grammar and spellings.
Jaya Year 6 Fantastic effort in all her revision .

Writers of the Week

Weekly awards for pupils for excellent effort and / or progress in their writing

Name Year Group Reason
Jahmai Year 1 An excellent diary entry .
Daisy Year 2 Writing an excellent explanation text.
Elisha Year 3 A thoughtful piece of writing.
Harriet Year 4 An outstanding persuasive advertisement with great use of persuasive language.
Marques Year 5 An amazing newspaper report.
Year 6

Lunch Time Award Winners

Name Year Group Reason
Klara Year 2 Lovely manners .
Jacob Year 4 Always doing the right thing during lunchtimes.

Weekly House Winner

Winning House St Bernadette
Emmaus CMAC
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