Tuesday 26/1/21


Day 2 - /ai/ alternative spelling patterns  lesson 2

e.g. /a-e/ split digraph as in made;   /a/ as in apron; /-ae/ as in sundae; /-ea/ as in break

Watch the video in the link below

Watch and listen to the story in the video below. 

How many long /a/ words can you hear and see that are spelt /a-e/? 

Can you make a list of them?

Can you use some in sentences of your own?  or can you make up your own short story using them?

Complete the /ai/alternative sound sheet 2, just as you did for sheet 1 yesterday.

Ask an adult to read the instructions to you (see below and the sheet).

1) underline all the different spellings for /ai/ sound in the word list.

Practise reading all the words in the lists (sound out and blend) to yourself first. Then read them to an adult - tick the ones you read correctly.

2) Underline all the different spellings for /ai/ sound in the passage (text) . Then read the text. 

3) In the last box, write a sentence using a word/words from the lists and draw a picture to go with it (illustrate it).


Choose a word from each list and write a sentence for each one.

Remember to use joined/best handwriting, a capital letter at the beginning of your sentence, word spaces and a full stop at the end of your sentence.

Phonics Play are giving free access to their site. This has various games and activities which you can use to practice your phonic skills.

Their website is : www.phonicsplay.co.uk  

Login details are:   Username : jan21     password: home

I have put a link to activities for /ai/ alternative spellings below


Lesson title: To box up a story for purpose

In this lesson, we will box up the stories we have created.

Watch the video in the link below, and complete the activities within it.

Write today's date and lesson title at the top of your written work.



Please watch the video lesson in the link below.



After you have watched the video above, please complete the worksheet questions below. Remember you can always go back to the video to help you, or even try to do it in stages.


Jesus performed miracles. Some of his miracles healed people.

This week we are looking at the story of Jesus healing a man who was blind from birth.

Watch and listen to the story in the video link below.



T: Can I imagine what it would be like to be blind?

In the story Jesus heals a man who is blind. What do you think it would be like to be blind?

Task: Close your eyes or ask an adult to blindfold you (e.g. with a scarf) 

Can you write your name?     Can you draw a picture? 

(no peeking!)

Open your eyes/remove your blindfold. What was that like? 

What things do you like to do (at home/school) that you couldn't do or would find difficult to do if you couldn't see

You can record your answers on the sheet below or in your homework book or on a piece of paper (Remember to put your name, date and the target at the top of your work).


Go onto Purple Mash and chose an activity to do. 

Information about BBC Bitesize lock down learning.

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