We encourage children to take pride in their school and appearance by the wearing of our school uniform.
Boys |
White polo shirt with logo OR white collared shirt |
School tie (optional) |
Green sweatshirt with logo |
Grey trousers |
Grey shorts (optional for KS1 during summer term) |
Black shoes |
Girls |
White polo shirt with logo OR white collared shirt |
School tie (optional) |
Green sweatshirt or cardigan with logo |
Grey trousers or skirt |
Green and white check dress (Summer) |
Black shoes (no heels) |
PE Kit: Boys and Girls to be worn on PE days |
Black shorts - not cycling shorts |
Green t-shirt with logo |
Black pumps or trainers |
Black or grey jogging bottoms - not leggings |
Our school uniform is available from CC Uniform, 82 Kings Square, Sandwell Centre, West Bromwich, B70 7NW Non-branded uniform can be easily purchased from usual high street supermarkets or from online stores.
Sew-on badges of the school logo are available from the school office.
Please can you ensure all clothing and property is clearly marked with your child's name.
No nail varnish or jewellery of any kind should be worn expect studs for children with pierced ears and watches. Long hair should be tied up at all times.