Pupil Groups

School Council

Liturgy Leaders

Mini Vinnies
Our children are committed to turning concern into action, and have many plans for the year ahead to ensure that everyone within our local community, feels the warm embrace of God's love.

Caritas Ambassadors

Reading Rangers
Our team of amazing reading ranger have taken the leading role, in ensuring that we are instilling a love of reading into our children. Our eading rangers have helped to impliment our 'Bug club' reding books and resources, bring new texts into our reading corners, ascertained pupil voice and popular reads this year, set up reading trollys for break and lunch times and so much more. We are so proud of all the work they are doing to bring reading to life at SFX.

Junior PCSO 2024
Meet our Junior PCSO team 2024- they have worked extremely hard with the local PCSO officers- attending weekly training, learning how to truly uphold our British values in our school community. We are so proud of you all!