Welcome to Nursery!
'If you knew how much I love you, you'd cry with joy'
Mary Our Mother - Our Saint in Early Years.

On this page you will find useful information about our Nursery... if you would like more information about what it is like to learn at our Nursery, please see the 'Our Learning' page on our website.

Are you interested in applying for a Nursery place for your child? We welcome visits to our school, please call the school office to arrange a visit. If you would like to apply, pick up an application form from Reception and return the form to school. Your child will be added to our Nursery admissions list and you will be contacted when your child is the correct age to start in our Nursery.
- Our Nursery is for children who are 3 and 4 years old.
- We have full time (30 hour places) and 15 hour places (morning or afternoon) available, please call the school office for more information.
- Older children will be given first priority for places in our Nursery.
- The earliest that a child can start in our Nursery is the school term after their third birthday, for example if your child is three on 25th October, if there is a place available they would be offered a place starting in January.
Transition in Nursery
At St Francis Xavier we know that all children are different and unique. Our families come from different backgrounds, cultures, communities and also have different beliefs. All children react differently to starting Nursery, some children will be used to spending time away from their family members because they have attended a Nursery setting from an early age and some children will have little or no experience of spending time away from family members. Nursery staff work with families to make sure transition is as smooth as possible. Children will visit the setting with family members before starting, Nursery staff will also visit the child's home in order to get to know the child and their family. If needed, children will do a gradual transition into Nursery, this can be discussed further when your son/daughter starts in our Nursery.
Parents and Carers as Partners
At St Francis Xavier we know how important it is to get parents and carers involved in their child's learning. In order to make sure that home and school work together in partnership we engage with parents and carers in a variety of ways. We hold play and stay sessions every term for parents and carers to attend, every child has a home learning book- this is an age appropriate homework book for Nursery children- this can also be used as a communication book for parents and carers, Reading development is important for all children even for children young enough to be in Nursery- each child has a school library book that they choose and take home, they have the opportunity to change this book every Monday, we have a class bear 'Barry bear' the child that is 'star of the week' in Nursery takes 'Barry bear' home for the weekend - a very exciting prospect! In Nursery we use 'Evidence Me' this is a piece of software that is used to capture your child's learning experiences and share them with you, we also hold fortnightly 'surgeries' this is an opportunity to talk to EYFS staff about any concerns or queries that you may have, this could be about your child's learning and development or just for a chat!
Below is a link to our 'End of Nursery goals' this is where we aim for all children to be before they start in Reception class...
Here are the prayers that the children learn and say in Nursery each day...
Here are some pictures of our environment...
Useful links for Parents and Carers