What we have been up to....

Y5 visit to Dudley Zoo and Castle
On the 16th July 2024, the children in Year 5 went on a fantastic trip to Dudley Zoo and Castle. The children were fascinated, learning about the wide range of species from around the world, and were immersed in wonder and awe throughout the day. It was a brilliant day and really enhanced their learning, about living things and their habitats!

Sports day 2024
On 12th July 2024, we came together as a whole school to take part in a wide range of competitive, fun, sporting activities. The children showed such talent and sportsmanship, and we were proud to see the children work together collaboratively! Well done to all of our children!

Y3 visit to the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham
On 9th July 2024, Year 3 went on an immersive visit to the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham. The children took part in a workshop, followed by a tour around al of the different species of plants- learning about plants from all around the world. We hope to be truly inspiring our Botanists of the future!

Y2 visit to Dudley Museum and Art Gallery
On 26th July 2024, our Year 2 children went to spend the day at Dudley Museum and Art Gallery. They were immersed in a wide range of historical artefacts and art, and they learnt so much about our local history, including about fossils from our local Nature reserve 'The Wren's Nest'! They had an absolutely brilliant day!

Y1 Trip to Little Owl Farm Park
On the 10th July 2024, our Year 1 Children had an exciting trip to Little Owl Farm Park, as part of their learning in science. They met a wide range of animals, and about how they need to be looked after. Our children had a truly wonderful day and were absolutly beaming when they returned to school- our budding farmers of the future!

Y6 Residential to Alton Castle
Year 6 had the most amazing time at Alton Castle on their residential 3rd-5th July 2024. They learn about teamwork, resilience, bush survival and so much more. They had so much fun and were true ambassadors for our school!

Glamba Drumming Workshop with Nick Ledbury June 2024
Today we had an amazing day, with all of the classes taking part in glamba drumming workshops. Even the teachers took part in the end of day showcase for parents! It was a musical extravaganza!

Refugee Week Art Exhibition June 2024
This week we have been truly touched by the heartfelt work that has been produced by the children, as part of our focus on recognising the struggles and upset felt by refugees around the world. The children worked extremely hard, producing art pieces for our whole school art exhibition, which was attended by so many within the school community. It was a truly touching afternoon! The choir sang beautifully and the children were so reverent and prayerful.

Digital leaders Online Safety Assembly June 2024
Today, our amazing Digital leaders led us in a whole school online safety assembly which they had prepared all by themselves. They talked about the 4 C's of online safety, and they shared the important messages about how we can stay safe when using the internet. We are so proud of them, leading the way in helping us keep the school community safe in this digital world!

Dog's Trust
On 19th June 2024, the Dog's Trust come in to school and led workshops with the children, teaching them about the commitment and responsibility needed to care for a dog. They taught the children about the dogs in need around the country and world, ad they talked about the work of the volunteers in the Dogs Trust shelters around the country. It was a truly eye opening day and we are so grateful for the time the volunteers took, to come and share this important information with the children!

Mini Vinnies Commissioning with Kate June 2024
Today our new group of Mini Vinnie's were commissioned by SVP Manager Katy Ramsy. They children were proud to stand up and receive their new badges, as they now focus on those in need in our local area, 'Turning Concern into action', within our local community and beyond.

Junior PCSO's Cohort 2
We are so proud of our junior PCSO's, our second group to have been trained up by our wonderful local community PCSO officers. Well done to all of the children for their drive, passion and commitment- upholding our British values- The rule of Law- within our school community!

French Culture and Language Celebration Day
On 24th May 2024, we dedicated our time throughout the day, to learning about and celebrating the French culture, history and language. The children were immersed in creative and interesting learning opportunities, as part of our celebrating cultures from around the world. In the week following Pentecost, it was especially special to learn about the French language, as we go out into the world as disciples of Jesus, spreading the Good News to all we meet.

Year 2 Geography Map skills Parent Workshop
On 21st May 2024, our Year 2 parents joined their children, for a n amazing workshop- creating relief maps of our local area. The parents and children learnt about the importance of relief maps and together they thought about the geographical landscape in Oldbury and created their own special maps. What a wonderful and immersive afternoon this was!

Parent/Child Workshops- RE
Throughout May, our Community have come together in our Parent/child workshops, with focus on our faith journey here in school. Our parents joined their children in learning, across a range of unity covered withing our 'Learning and Growing as the People of God' RE learning journey.

Reception Class catch the Train to visit Birmingham Central Library April 2024
On 11th April 2024, Reception Class had a wonderful day, catching the train from Oldbury train station, all the way to Birmingham. Here, they spent lots of time looking at the amazing books in Birmingham Central Library. It was a truly amazing day.

Our Lenten Easter Garden Exhibition 2024
On 22nd March 2024, our children all used their art and craft skills, to create their own Easter Gardens, and display them in our Whole School Lenten exhibition. The choir sung during the exhibition and it was a truly prayerful and special afternoon.

SFX Science Fair March 2024
On 15th March 2024, as part of our British Science Week celebrations, the pupils took part in a whole school science fair. Pupils showcased a wide range of science investigations, displaying amazing substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Our pupils truly are, and can be, the scientists of our future. Well done to all who entered!

Y5 Visit the National Space Centre in Leicester
On 5th March 2024, Y5 had an 'out of this world' experience, as they visited the National Space Centre in Leicester as part of their learning journey in science. The pupils all shone with excitment and new knoelge when they got back to school! Our astronomers of the future.

OGDEN Trust science workshop Y1 and Y2
12th March 2024- Y1 and Y2 were extremely excited to take part in the Material science workshop- lead by Dr Jenny Watson

HSBC Financial workshops for our children
March/April 2024- We have been working closely with HSBC banking, having workshops with all classes, to ensure our children are building up their financial skills, preparing them for the world around them. The children are truly enjoying the workshops and are engaging with such intent. Such valuable life skills.

World Book day 2024
7th March 2024- today we celebrated World Book Day, celebrating all of the wonderful stories and books from across the years.

Reception Class Farm Trip
On 18th March 2024, Reception Class went on an immersive farm experience day as part of their learning journey. They got to milk the goats, feed the animals and learn all about how farmers care for their animals. Our children were truly in awe all day, and hopefully inspired to become the farmers of our future!

Y1 visit the Sealife Centre Birmingham
On 6th March 2024, Y1 went to visit the Sealife Centre in Birmmingham, as part of their learning journey in science. They had a swimmingly great time!

Y4 Safari Park 2024
On 21st September 2024, Y4 had a wonderful day at West Midlands Safari Park, as part of their learning journey in Science. It was a truly 'wild' day!

Dress to Express- Children's mental Health Week
On 8th February 2024, our children lit up the school with vibrance, as they dressed to express, in support of their learning about being proud of who we are and celebrating our individual qualities and differences.

Pupil led Remembrance service
On November 10th 2023, our children have come together to lead us in a very special and prayerful Remembrance service. We ask God to wrap His arms around all those who gave their lives so that we may live. Lest we forget…

Homebase Garden Centre visit- Reception Class
On 16th January 2024, our children were 'growing' their experiences, by visiting our Local Homebase Garden Centre, as part of their learning journey. They then went back to class and set up their very own garden centre! Such valuable experiences for our children"

Wren's Nest Fossil hunting
27th February 2024- Y3 had an amazing time, being Palaeontologists at the Wren's Nest Nature Reserve, where they spent time searching for and classifying fossils. What an amazing day- we are so proud of all your amazing finds!

Matt Windle Slam Poet Workshops
Matt Windle Slam Poet came into school on 11th January 2024 to work with our children, teaching them all about slam poetry. He led in a whole school workshop and then worked with individual classes throughout the day

G.M.Linton Author Visit to SFX
We were privileged on 17th January 2024 to have author G.M.Linton to work with the children. Author of the storybook ‘My name is Sunshine Simpson’- a book inspired by her own family and parents, who arrived in Britain from Jamaica as part of the Windrush Generation.

Y2 Local History- Saltwells Wood
On 5th February 2024, Y2 put their historical enquiry hats on and went to visit Saltwells Wood, as part of their local History study. They learnt about some very significant features of this location, including 'Doulton's Claypit', where Royal Doulton used to source their clay from for their pottery!

Our New Book vending machine January 2024
Our brand new book vending maching has arrived! The reading rangers have carried out pupil surveys to find out which books th children enjoy reading. The reading tokens can be earned through excellence in learning behaviours and class Dojo's.

Red Cross CPR First Aid Training for Year 6
We were humbled to have had the Red Cross into school on January 9th 2024, to teach the year 6 children how to administer life saving CPR. We are extremely proud of the children, they took it very seriously and were extremely sensible. Thank you to the Red Cross for your time

Library Visit- Reception Class December 2023
On 8th December 2023, Reception Class went to visit our local library. They truly loved being around so many books, and were immersed in reading for the whole morning. Next Stop- Birmingham Library!

Dudley Castle- Y2 History Local study
On 8th November 2024, Y2 visited Dudley Castle, as part of their learning journey in History. They were truly fascinated, learning about the History of Dudley castle and its significance as part of our local area!

Cinderella Pantomime December 2023
Some really great Christmas Fun this afternoon with a Cinderella pantomime :) oh no we don’t, oh yes we did !

Cats Protection League
On 8th December 2023, we invited the team from the Cats Protection League in to school to talk tot he children about caring for animals. The children learnt about the need oof Cats, how to look after them and how we can help animals that are in need around the country. The children listened with such intent and were so reflective about caring for God's creatures within our common home!

Think Tank - Birmingham Y3
On 28th November 2024, our Y3 children went on a scientific visit to the Think Tank in Birmingham. They had a wide range of hands on experiences throughout the day and they learnt so much about scientific advances, both from past and present times. They were absolutely beaming with excitement when they returned to school, and were inspired, as scientists of the future!

Y5 Cadbury World Visit
Year 5 truly walked back in time, as they spent the day at Cadbury World as part of their learning journey in History.

Y2 Local area Geography field trip
On 22nd November 2023, Y2 went on a field trip around our local area 'Oldbury' , looking at the human and physical features around us. They applied their fieldwork skills fantastically, and learnt so much about the area they go to school in!

Science Fayre November 2023
SFX science Fair 2023- well done to all who took part in our Science Fair! And thank you to all the parents who attended. The projects were amazing and we are so proud of you all!

Severn Trent Whole school assembly
On 6th November 2023, Severn Trent came into school to lead an amazing water assembly, teaching the children all about how we just look after our environment and keep our water systems as clean as possible! Caring for our common home

SFX Remembrance Art Exhibition November 2023
Today, 10th November 2023, every child, from Nursery up to Year 6, displayed their work to form a whole school Rembrance art exhibition. All of the children had the opportunity throughout the afternoon to come and visit the exhibition, whilst the choir sung such peaceful and humble music. It was a truly touching afternoon. Lest we forget...

Council Chambers-Head Boy+Head girl Speeches
On 26th October 2023, our Y6 pupils who applied and spoke with such elegance and passion at the Sandwell parliament chambers as part of our new Head Boy and Head Girl application process. Our children truly are the leaders of the future….

Black Country Food Bank October 23
Our pupils and families have worked hard, alongside the amazing volunteers at the Black Country Food Bank, to collect essential food and toiletry items for those in need in or local area. We are so proud of you all for the difference you are making in our common home.

Sandwell Road Safety team visit our pupils September 2023
Extremely valuable lessons learnt today in our KS1 and KS2 Road safety assemblies, led by Karen from our Sandwell Local Authority.