Award Winners:

Stars of the Week

Weekly awards for pupils for excellent effort and / or progress

Name Year Group Special Deed
Sorayah Year 1 Fantastic Maths work.
Zaeden Year 1 Fantastic Maths work.
Joshua Year 2 Working hard and setting a good example.
Autumn Year 2 Always trying her best and following class routines.
Remiel Year 3 A real improvement in behaviour - Well done.
Ethan Year 3 Excellent effort and progress.
Lily Year 4 For always listening attentively and working incredibly hard.
Harriet Year 4 For being such a kind and helpful role model and for being so pure in her heart.
Shaye Year 5 Amazing questions asked when on our trip to parliament.
Alex Year 5 Super understanding of the book of acts in R.E.
Sonali Year 6 Working really hard on her Maths project.
Sorrel Year 6 A lovely piece of Mayan homework.

Writers of the Week

Weekly awards for pupils for excellent effort and / or progress in their writing

Name Year Group Reason
Zofia Year 1 Fantastic set of instructions.
Matthew Year 2 Super work in R.E and trying really hard with handwriting.
Rosie Year 3 Excellent writing and presentation in her First Holy Communion Scrapbook.
Daniel Year 4 A fantastic poem - he used personification really well to describe "storm" as a person.
Leila Year 5 Fantastic understanding of the teaching of the Ten Commandments.
Christy Year 6 A brilliant descriptive text.

Lunch Time Award Winners

Name Year Group Reason
Marcel KS1 For always eating all of his dinner.
Ava KS2 Always eating all her lunch.

Weekly House Winner

Winning House St Bernadette.
Emmaus CMAC
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