
Section 5 OFSTED Inspection 2024

OFSTED inspection- Section 5 carried out on the 1st and 2nd October 2024

We are so proud to share with you all the outcomes from out latest Section 5 OFSTED Inspection that took place on the 1st and 2nd October 2024 (please see PDF for the full report): 

The quality of education- Good
Behaviour and attitudes- Good
Personal development- Good
Leadership and management- Good
Early years provision- Good


Sample of Key findings from the report:

'Pupils really enjoy their learning at St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School, and their
attendance is high.'

'There are high expectations for what all pupils, including those with special educational
needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve.'

'Starting in the early years, learning builds on what pupils already know.'

'Children in the early years learn important social skills, and those in Reception have well-established routines.'

'The school expects pupils to meet a high standard of behaviour.'

Pupils have enthusiastic attitudes to their studies.

'The school has tackled the issues raised at the last inspection strategically and with great
enthusiasm. It has taken firm action to address those areas of the curriculum such as
writing where outcomes were weak in 2023.'

'Pupils follow a well-designed programme of social and personal education.'

Ofsted Section 5 Inspection 2022

Ofsted Inspections

Ofsted Interim Inspection 2010

In a letter dated 12 July 2010 we were informed that Ofsted's interim inspection shows that our 'outstanding' performance has been sustained and that our next full inspection can be deferred.

For more information read the letter from Ofsted here:

Ofsted Inspection 2007

Our last full Ofsted inspection was in June 2007, when we were delighted to be judged as 'an Outstanding School'.

We are delighted that Ofsted reported:

  • The school is outstanding in its effectiveness. Every pupil is valued and encouraged to reach for their best.
  • Expectations are high amongst all staff and the pupils. Work is extremely well matched to pupils' needs.
  • Leadership and management are outstanding.
  • Teaching and learning are outstanding.
  • The personal development of the pupils is first rate. There is complete racial harmony in school and behaviour is superb.
  • The school has an enviable tradition of outstanding achievement and well above average standards.
  • The pupils recognise the high quality of teaching in the school. They are unanimous in their opinion that lessons are often inspirational in giving them opportunities to discover new things and learn a lot.

You can read the full report below:

Parent View

You can now share your views on our school via Ofsted's Parent View website. By sharing your views, Ofsted hopes you'll be helping the school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about us.

CSI Inspections

CSI inspections

National Framework

Since September 2022, all denominational inspections within the Archdiocese of Birmingham have been undertaken by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate.

With Christ at the heart of all that we do, we are so proud of the children, staff and community here at St Francis Xavier school, each made in the image and likeness of God.

On the 4th and 5th December 2024, we were inspected under the Catholic Schools Inspectorate framework, and we are delighted to share with you the report below:

Here are some of the delightful comments that can be found in the CSI inspection report following inspection in December 2024:

-The school’s mission statement, ‘Jesus holds us in the palm of his hand’, is embraced by all.

-All pupils know they are valued and they talk about examples of how they know they
are cared for.

-Staff want the best for all pupils and their families and talk about how they are driven by love in
their vocation.

-Pupils are incredibly welcoming and talk confidently about following Jesus’ example of welcome. This extends to pupils of other faiths
within the school, who say they feel valued.

-Parents value the support the school gives them and their children, and parish links are strengthening.

-Teachers’ subject knowledge is good, and there is a deep commitment to establishing high
expectations, as evidenced by the rapid improvements over the last 12 months.

-The curriculum for religious education is imaginative and well-sequenced, and leaders ensure
that standards match those of other core subjects.

-Prayer is central to all aspects of school life for staff and pupils. All school community members
highly value the naturally embedded moments of prayer.

-Pupils with lower prior attainment are particularly well supported and receive opportunities to meet
expected standards, and subsequently, they achieve well.

Section 48 Inspections

Section 48 Inspection 2013

In May 2013 we had a Religious Education Inspection by the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The inspector judged that our school had remained outstanding since our previous RE inspection in June 2007 and noted how the school has continued to improve.

Below you can see some comments from the inspection report:

  • The Catholic ethos is very obvious in all of the school's work.
  • The children are proud to be part of a Catholic community.
  • Parents agree wholeheartedly that there are many opportunities for both children and themselves to be involved in the catholic life of the school.
  • The Governing Body are a supportive and challenging influence within the school community.
  • The school provides an outstanding Catholic life which is greatly appreciated and beneficial to all.
  • The school is rightly proud of the quality of their RE lessons; nothing but good or better is acceptable.
  • Children were enthusiastic and engaged in their learning.
  • A variety of creative teaching styles were used.
  • An outstanding aspect of the school is the extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school.
  • These outstanding aspects have been used as exemplars for the purpose of a survey identifying best practice in the Archdiocese of Birmingham.

You can read the full report below:

In July 2018, we had a Religious Education Inspection by the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The inspector judged that our school has remained outstanding since our previous RE Inspection in May 2013. We have made many positive improvements which you can read about in our inspection report. 

Some of the comments made in the report, include the following:

- This is an Outstanding Catholic school because the entire school community whole-heartedly and actively lives out its Catholic mission. The pupils have a profound understanding of their school motto, 'Jesus holds us in the palm of His hand.' They see it as their duty to tell others about this joyful message. 

 - Pupils of all ages are enthusiastically engaged in leading a wide variety of the Catholic Life of the school.

- Religious Education is very well planned and taught with great sincerity and skill by teachers.

- The school's leaders take great care to provide the necessary time and resources to enable the best quality experience of worship for pupils.

You can read the full inspection report below:

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