Notes for Adults

Whole School Assembly at 1pm

In RE, please remind your child at the start to use capital letters, full stops, !?, adjectives (describing words), conjunctions (and, but, which, however, although etc) to join sentences together. But then let them get on with it by themselves. Get THEM to read through it at the end to check it. If THEY spot a mistake, put a neat line through it and write it above. If YOU spot a mistake write it in another colour above it. Please don't rub anything out. This will then give US a clear understanding of where your child is at, and help us know how WE can help them next in their writing.

Thursday 21st January 2021 - Good Morning! Welcome to your learning for today. (Can you make sure you write the date and underline it with a ruler)


Level 4

Level 5


Reading - Read the first page/paragraph of any book that you have not read before. Tell your adult what you predict may happen next in the book (without looking) Give reasons for your answers. (NO WRITING NEEDED)


Maths Extension - Only If needed: A questions are tricky, B questions make you think and C questions are Brain Buzzing. (DO NOT DO ALL OF THEM, if you are getting them right move to the next level. If you are finding a little difficult drop back a level and do a couple of those). Learning is getting things wrong, and then putting it right!


Re-write the story of the Parodical Son in your own words. - Use capital letters, full stops, conjunctions and !?,.



Prayer Time

Have a lovely evening and I will see you tomorrow!

Emmaus CMAC
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