Wednesday 10th February 2021


Today we will continue learning  the alternative spelling patterns for /u/ sound.

e.g. /u/ as in jungle;  /o/ as in money;  /-ou/ as in touch;  /-ough/ as in thorough

Watch the videos below:

Complete the alternative spelling pattern sheet for /u/

Ask an adult to read the instructions to you (see below and the sheet).

1) underline all the different spellings for long /u/ sound in the word list.

Practise reading all the words in the lists (sound out and blend) to yourself first. Then read them to an adult - tick the ones you read correctly.

2) Underline all the different spellings for long /u/ sound in the passage (text) . Then read the text. 

3) In the last box, write a sentence using a word/words from the lists and draw a picture to go with it (illustrate it). 


Choose a word from each list and write a sentence for each one.

Remember to use joined/best handwriting, a capital letter at the beginning of your sentence, word spaces and a full stop at the end of your sentence.


T: To box up for purpose

In this lesson we will box up the opening of our story.

Watch the lesson video in the link below and complete the activities within it.


Read the text 'Planning a Birthday Party' and answer the questions.

Remember, you do not need to print this out. Just write the question number and the answer for each question on a piece of paper.

For example, 1. Planning a birthday party.

For question 4, you can write the sentences in order and for question 5, write out the sentences and write True or False at the end of each sentence.


T: To make 2D and 3D shapes.

In this lesson you will be making 2D and 3D shapes.

First, complete the Flashback card.

Then, watch the video lesson below and complete the activities within it.

I have attached some nets of 3D shapes to support this lesson and for you to use if you are unable to find any boxes at home. There is no worksheet today as this is an activity lesson.


T - To know when different trains were invented.

Read through the history of trains and complete the worksheet.

1.  Sort the trains into old and new.

2.  Write some sentences about which trains are old and new.  Think about how you know this?


Have a go at one of these activities.  Let me know which one you did.  Did you enjoy it?

Have a lovely evening and I will see you tomorrow!

Emmaus CMAC
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