Welcome to Year 1!
'Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.'
- St Francis of Assisi - Class Saint
You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. - Winnie the Pooh
Religious Education and Prayer life
What will the boys and girls in Year 1 learn in English?
What will the boys and girls learn in Maths in Year 1?
Simmering skills - What basic skills activities should I be doing every day?
- Reading: I know how much you all love to read or be read to! Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity for you all to tell me what you have read and your reviews on the books as we are not in school at the moment. However, I thought it would be a lovely idea if you could keep a list of what you have read or what someone has read to you, so when we are all reunited back at school we can share it with one another. I also will be keeping a list!
You can read to a parent, your toys, sibling or even your pet!
- Phonics: Don't forget to practise your phonics daily, focus on one or two sounds a day. These are just some ideas: You could ask your parents to write words with the sound/s you are focused on for the day cut them up into little cards and play crossing the river with your family members; You can write a story using alien words or you could play bingo.
- Spelling: Practice your spellings each day, pick a focus (common exceptions words, writing numbers as words) and find fun ways to practise it - this might be by creating a poster or other artwork, making up a song or a chant.
-Maths: TT Rockstars, Hit the Button are a fun and interactive way of learning your X tables and number bonds.
Useful websites