Welcome to Year 3
'God loves us beyond comprehension, and we cannot diminish God's love for us.'
St. Peter - Class Saint
Hello everyone in Year 3!
Welcome to Year 3's class page. Here you will useful links for homework and home learning.
Religious Education and Prayer life
What will the boys and girls in Year 3 learn in English?
What will the boys and girls in Year 3 learn in Maths?
White Rose Maths are adding amazing Maths home learning acitivites each day with a video explaining every step and an activity for the children to complete. Follow the link below to take a look at the Year 3 learning for this week!
Simmering skills - What basic skills activities should I be doing every day?
- Reading - spend SOME of your reading time reading aloud to someone (even a baby brother or sister, pet or toy!)
- Spelling - open the spelling overview, find a spelling focus and explore what words you can make with the focus group of letters you choose, E.g., if you choose -tch and -ch, you could draw a poster with different words, like: which, witch, hitch, glitch, etc. You could even put mis-spellings on a cross them out - this can help you know what it should and should NOT look like, which can help your spelling memory.
Extra spelling work:
Useful websites
Here is a link to Mr Shepherd's website where you can find songs to listen to and sing.
There are also links to all of our virtual music lessons so far with Mr Shepherd and Kevin the Toad. Let me know how you get on!