Welcome to Year 5
'Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless'.
St John Paul II - Class Saint
Religious education and Prayer Life
Spelling words with...
Silent letters
I understand that sometimes it can be hard to learn your spellings and it can sometimes not be the most exciting of tasks.
Please find below some fun activities you could use to help you to learn your spellings!
Please find below the spellings we have had in the previous weeks in the Autumn term
This week our spelling focus are words ending in -ent, -ency and -ence.
Please watch the video below which will help you with learning this spelling rule.
Use the method in this video to help you learn your spellings.
How does it apply to your spellings this week?
What will the boys and girls learn in Year 5 in English?
What will the boys and girls learn in Year 5 in Maths?
Simmering skills - What basic skills activities should I be doing every day?
- Reading: I know lots of you love to read to yourselves, but you should spend SOME of your reading time reading to somebody else. Maybe it could be a younger sibling or even a pet!
- Spelling: Using your spelling overview from above, choose a spelling focus and see how many words you can find that use that spelling focus! Maybe you could make it into a game or a poster?
- Times tables: Keep practising on TT Rockstars, but you can also practise your multiplication and division facts on paper as well. Maybe think of a way you could teach this to somebody else to help them understand.
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